Vision for Youth Ministry in Bethel
Adolescents face challenges unique to their age group. From a christian perspective, they are not as concerned about ‘what happens to me when I die’ as they are about ‘what is the purpose of my life’ and ‘how does the bible apply to my life now!’. In society, young people are desperately looking for identity, purpose and acceptance. Identity is achieved by many by being a football fanatic or being part of groups whose common habit may be music, drugs or sport. Some find purpose in work or in girl/boy friends or only live for computer games. Acceptance is mostly achieved by being in a group where giving into peer pressure is the only way not to feel left out!!!
I’m here to tell you that Jesus has all three needs plus much more!! Being a Christian gives you not only a solid identity, but assures you of life after you die. Your purpose is amazing – to represent Jesus in a world that is hurting with hate, greed and insecurity. And your acceptance is not based on what others think of you, but on what God says – and He says that He loves you and has a great destiny for you!!